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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Mike Johanns
Senator, Oregon
CSPAN2 06/13/2013
Part 1: Sen. Mike Johanns speaking to Gen. Keith Alexander: you've identified for us that you can get phone contacts. I'm asking can you get Google contacts, can you get e-mail contacts? I'm not talking about reading the e-mail or seeing what they're saying back and forth. I'm not at that point. But what I worry about is how far do you believe this authority extends? Can you get Google contacts? Can you get e-mail contacts? And, again, I'm not asking about reading the e-mail.
Mike Johanns
Senator, R-Nebraska
CSPAN2 06/13/2013
Part 2: Sen. Mike Johanns speaking to Gen. Keith Alexander: The concern here, the American public is fearful that in this massive amount of data you get that there's, the ability of the federal government to synthesize that data and learn something more than maybe what was ever contemplated by the Patriot Act.
Mike Johanns
Senator, R-Nebraska
CSPAN2 06/13/2013
Part 3: Sen. Mike Johann speaking to Gen. Keith Alexander: that would be number one. The second thing is the more personal issue, and it kind of gets into some of the concerns about cyber command, and that is you're in this hugely unique role. We've always had this view of separating the civilian leadership, politically elected, from the military leadership. And yet you've got this dual hat. And it creates a concern not about you because you've got a remarkable record.
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